Piano Lessons Blog - Congratulations to our Honors Division Piano Students! Piano Competition Day at UVU! - Steinway

Congratulations to our Honors Division Piano Students! Piano Competition Day at UVU!

Karmel Larson

It's a piano Saturday in Utah Valley with multiple piano competitions happening today...

I have been at our piano store & conservatory all day today enjoying the flow of talented piano families coming and going, to and from the Black Box Theater and the Small Recital Hall upstairs. While I host the Utah Valley Festival Piano Competition at our piano store, Brigham took taking several of our children to Utah Valley University's Piano Competition hosted by Piano Program Director Hilary Demske.

Congratulations to Brigham and Abby for the great performance today at the Utah Valley University Piano Competition. They are students in our Honors Division of the Piano Academy which has many opportunities for additional repertoire training, competitions, extra performance experiences and increased involvement with AIM, Encore, Festival and other advanced piano training.

Congratulations to Brigham and Abby for the great performance today at the Utah Valley University Piano Competition. They are students in our Honors Division of the Piano Academy which has many opportunities for additional repertoire training, competitions, extra performance experiences and increased involvement with AIM, Encore, Festival and other advanced piano training.

Above is "Briggy on the Biggy".. Ok... a little cheesy, but it was the first thought that came to mind when I saw the texted image of my little seven year old on that great big Steinway Concert Grand. Great hard work practicing piano has paid off big today for my Abby and Briggy as well as the many piano students who have filtered through our piano store today. Great work everyone! Happy practicing and performing. Now for the TREATS!

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