Piano Lessons Blog - Piano Academy and COVID-19

Piano Academy and COVID-19

Karmel Larson

We're aware that there have been many closures of various organizations around the state today. For the time being, Piano Academy will stay open and continue offering lessons. According to recent information shared by the CDC and Utah government agencies, we believe that Piano Academy is at low risk for spreading COVID-19. While Governor Herbert has recommended avoiding gatherings of 100 people or more, our groups are generally 10 or fewer including teachers. Additionally, we are taking the following extra precautions to protect our students:

Students are to wash their hands both before and after lessons
Teachers are encouraging the use of hand sanitizer frequently during lessons
Faculty are sanitizing all keyboards at least once per hour
All other high-touch surfaces are cleaned and disinfected regularly throughout the day

If your child is showing any symptoms of illness, please do not send them to lessons. We are happy to offer a make-up lesson credit in this situation.

We hope to continue providing a positive and uplifting environment for you and your children. Despite the uncertainty and stress surrounding COVID-19, we strongly believe in the power of music to bring peace and clarity even in difficult situations. Music can also be a great stress reliever! You might even suggest that your children spend extra time practicing at the piano while they are out of school and may have more time. Do you have more than one child learning piano? We'd be happy to send some duet music home with them!

Please reach out if you have questions or concerns about any of this. Click here for the CDC website and here for Utah coronavirus updates.

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