Image of the Piano For Sale

The Richards Family Piano!

Brigham Larson Pianos

My father (who did not play piano) bought this piano used in 1959. There were 5 living children in our family and it was his hope that at least a few uof us would learn and love piano. It happens to be a player piano and he would bring his friends blind and hard of hearing son to sit and “play the piano”. Dad loved seeing the joy on his face as he felt the keys moving and heard and felt as much of the music as he could. When I inherited the piano (I was the only one to stick with it and love it). I helped to support my family through tough times by teaching many children to play and love music. As a teen and young adult I loved to have friends over to sing and dance while I played. It has brought much joy and happiness to my life and has helped me to feel calm and to release stress.
My beloved piano is a Baby Grand built by George Steck in 1923. It sat in our music room (just a piano and an old pump organ) and lots and lots of music. Almost every party centered around this piano. She is a Duo-Art player and we have many piano rolls to enjoy, she does have a belly that needs to be re fabrics. She has a beautiful old tone. My piano is currently in storage so I can’t take a picture but I have included a couple pictures of information.

  • YEAR 1920-1930
  • MAKE Keys of Compassion: Resurrecting the Player Piano That Brought Musical Bliss to a Blind Friend's World!
  • SERIAL NUMBER I don’t have access to this at this time but can get it if needed
  • FINISH Mahogany
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